National Taiwan University
王如邦 老師實驗室
願景: 跨領域研究與學習,促進全球人類食的安全。
任務: 以新穎與創意的方法激發食品安全議題的研究與學習。
方法: 透過風險分析,並結合微生物與工程方法,解決食品安全問題。
"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
「我差你們去,如同羊進入狼群;所以你們要靈巧像蛇,馴良像鴿子。牧者的話,馬太福音10:16 -
Selected publications
Fang-Wen Yeh, Chun-Hui Chiu (共同第一), Reuben Wang*, Yu-Chia Su, Virly, Tung-Yi Lin (2025, Apr.). Development of bacteriophage-modified europium alginate beads for rapid screening of Escherichia coli. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (IF=7.7 Rank = 5/86 POLYMER SCIENCE). nstc 112-2221-E-002-065-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
Reuben Wang*, Yu-Jia Yeh, Yu-Ning An, Virly (2023, Oct). Engineering pH- sensitive erodible chitosan hydrogel composite containing bacteriophage: An interplay between hydrogel and bacteriophage against Staphylococcus aureus. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (IF=8.3 Rank = 5/86 POLYMER SCIENCE). nstc 112-2221-E-002-065-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊 作者.
Su-Rung Yang, Reuben Wang (共同第一), Chen-Jie Yan, Yi-Yun Lin, Yu-Jia Yeh, Ying-Yu Yeh, and Yi-Cheun Yeh* (2023, Apr). Ultrasonic interfacial crosslinking of TiO2-based nanocomposite hydrogels through thiol-norbornene reactions for sonodynamic antibacterial treatment. Biomaterials Science. 本人為 第一作者.
Ju-Chi Chen, Reuben Wang*(共同通訊作者), Chia-Cheng Wei* (2023, Jan). Anti-aging effects of dietary phytochemicals: from Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, rodents to clinical studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (IF:11.28 Rank=6/144 FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY), 3;1-26. (SCI, 6/144 FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY). 本 人為通訊作者.
Ruo-Fan Wang and Reuben Wang*(通訊), 2022, Modification of polyacrylonitrile-derived carbon nanofibers and bacteriophages on screen-printed electrodes: A portable electrochemical biosensor for rapid detection of Escherichia coli, Bioelectrochemistry, 五年內 IF: 5.76, (JCI Rank: 13/72 BIOPHYSICS)
Lavernchy Jovanska, Chun-Hui Chiu, Yi-Cheun Yeh, Wen-Dee Chiang, Chang-Chi Hsieh, Reuben Wang*(通訊), 2022, Development of a PCL-PEO double network colorimetric pH sensor using electrospun fibers containing Hibiscus rosa sinensis extract and silver nanoparticles for food monitoring, Food Chemistry, 五年內 IF: 7.514, (JCI Rank: 1/103 NUTRITION & DIETETICS)
Yi-Jie Lia, Reuben Wang (共同第一作者), Chung-Yen Lin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chia-Hsien Chuang, Tzu-Ho Chou, Chi-Fang Ko, Pei-Hsin Chou, Chi-Te Liu, Yang-hsin Shih*, 2021, The degradation mechanisms of Rhodopseudomonas palustris toward hexabromocyclododecane by time-course transcriptome analysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 五年內 IF: 9.43 (R/C=4/153 ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL)
Tsan-Yu Tsai, Ke-Han Shen, Chun-Wei Chang, Lavernchy Jovanska, Reuben Wang and Yi-Cheun Yeh*, 2021, In situ formation of nanocomposite double-network hydrogels with shear-thinning and self-healing properties, Biomaterials Science, 五年內 IF: 5.468, (R/C=6/38,MATERIALS SCIENCE, BIOMATERIALS)
Virly, Chun-Hui Chiu, Tsan-Yu Tsai, Yi-Cheun Yeh, Reuben Wang*(通訊), 2021, Encapsulation of β-Glucosidase within PVA Fibers by CCD-RSM-Guided Coelectrospinning: A Novel Approach for Specific Mogroside Sweetener Production, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 五年內IF:4.289, (R/C=4/58,AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
Yi-Jui Liu, Yun-Ju Lai, Reuben Wang, Yi-Chen Lo*, and Chun-Hui Chiu*2020, The Effect of Thermal Processing on the Saponin Profiles of Momordica charantia L., Journal of Food Quality (https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8862020)
Tse-Hao Chang, Reuben Wang (共同第一作者), Yu-Huei Peng, Tzu-Ho Chou, Yi-Jie Li, and Yang-hsin Shih*, Biodegradation of hexabromocyclododecane by Rhodopseudomonas palustris YSC3 strain : A free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium isolated in Taiwan, Chemosphere.
Chun-Hui Chiu, Reuben Wang (共同第一作者), Shasha Zhuang, Pei-Yin Lin, Yi-Chen Lo*, Ting-Jang Lu* 2019, Biotransformation of mogrosides from Siraitia grosvenorii by Ganoderma lucidum mycelium and the purification of mogroside III E by macroporous resins, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 五年內IF: 2.852, (RC=33/133,FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY)
Reuben Wang (第一作者), Chung-Yen Lin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Kai-Jiun Lo, Chi-Te Liu, Tzu-Ho Chou, Yang-hsin Shih* 2019, Using high-throughput transcriptome sequencing to investigate the biotransformation mechanism of hexabromocyclododecane with Rhodopseudomonas palustris in water, Science of the Total Environment, 五年內IF: 5.727, (R/C=27/250,ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE)
Reuben Wang (第一作者), Yi-Chieh Chen, Yun-Ju Lai, Ting-Jang Lu, Shyue-Tsong Huang, Yi-Chen Lo* 2019, Dekkera bruxellensis, a beer yeast that specifically bioconverts mogroside extracts into the intense natural sweetener siamenoside I, food Chemistry, 五年內IF: 4.946, (RC=7/133,FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY)
Hsiao-Ping Kuo, Reuben Wang (共同第一作者), Yi-Sheng Lina, Jinn-Tsyy Laia, Yi-Chen Lo, Shyue-Tsong Huang*, 2018, Pilot scale repeated fed-batch fermentation processes of the wine yeast Dekkera bruxellensis for mass production of resveratrol from Polygonum cuspidatum, Bioresource Technology, 五年內IF: 6.102, (RC=1/14,AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING)
Hsiao-Ping Kuo, Reuben Wang (共同第一作者), Chiao-Ying Huang, Jinn-Tsyy Lai, Yi-Chen Lo*, Shyue-Tsong Huang*, 2018, Characterization of an extracellular β-glucosidase from Dekkera bruxellensis for resveratrol production, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Volume 26, January 2018, Pages 163-171, 五年內IF:2.852, (RC=33/133,FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY)
Chia-Shen Yeh; Reuben Wang; Wen-Chi Chang; Yang-hsin Shih*, 2018, Synthesis and characterization of stabilized oxygen-releasing CaO2 nanoparticles for soil remediation, J Environ Manage, Apr 15;212:17-22. 五年內IF:4.962, (Q1,Environmental Science)
Mei-syue Li, Reuben Wang, Dave Ta Fu Kuo, Yang-hsin Shih*, 2017, Linear free energy relationships for adsorption of volatile organic compounds onto multiwall carbon nanotubes at different relative humidity: Comparison with organoclays and activated carbon, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 五年內IF:3.255 (Q1,Medicine miscellaneous)
Reuben Wang (第一作者), Pei-Yin Lin, Shyue-Tsong Huang, Chun-Hui Chiu, Ting-Jang Lu, and Yi-Chen Lo*, 2015, Hyperproduction of β-glucanase Exg1 promotes the bioconversion of mogrosides in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants defective in mannoprotein deposition, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, pp 10271-10279, 五年內IF:3.504, (R/C=2/56,AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)
Before 2015
Chun-Hui Chiu, Reuben Wang (第二作者), Cho-Ching Lee, Yi-Chen Lo*, and Ting-Jang Lu*, 2013, Biotransformation of mogrosides from Siraitia grosvenorii swingle by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61, pp 7127-7134五年內IF: 3.387, (R/C=2/56,AGRICULTURE, MULTIDSCIPLINARY)
Jia-Wei Chang, Sing-Chung Li, Yun-Chi Shih, Reuben Wang, Pei-Shan Chung, and Yuan-Tih Ko*. Molecular characterization of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) starch branching enzyme I.Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58 (19), pp 10437-44
Biotransformation of Mogrosides, Sweeteners, Editors: Prof. Jean-Michel Merillon and Prof. Kishan Gopal Ramawat, ISBN: 978-3-319-26478-3, 2017, Reuben Wang (第一作者), Chun-Hui Chiu, Ting-Jang Lu, Yi-Chen Lo*
Development of Functionalized Electrospun Nanofiber Mat for Sweetener Production from Mogrosides. Reuben Wang* and Chun-Hui Chiu*. 2019, Chang Gung Journal of Science, 30, pp 7-16.
Synthesis of Zero-valent Copper Particles for the Removal of One Azo Dye-Reactive Black 5. Po-Hsun Chang, Reuben Wang, Yang-Hsin Shih*. 2016, Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science, 54 (6), pp 290 – 295. (國內學術優良期刊)
Co-electrospinning of β-glucosidase/PVA Functionalized Nanofibers for Natural Sweetener Production. Virly and Reuben Wang*. 6th Federation of Asian Polymer Societies International Polymer Congress (FAPS 2019), Oral presentation in Symposium S7
Immobilization of enzymes into nanofiber membranes via electrospinning and its application in natural sweetener production. Reuben Wang*, Virly, Ting Wang. (Experimental Biology 2019, Orlando, USA)
Biodegradation of hexabromocyclododecane by Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Reuben Wang and Yang-Hsin Shih*. (2017 253rd ACS National Meeting in San Francisco, California). Oral presentation