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My Story

    Reuben Wang was born in Idaho, U.S.A., in 1986. He spent his childhood mostly in the U.S.A. and went to Taiwan to pursue higher education. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from the Graduate Institute of Food Science and Technology at the National Taiwan University. He had his postdoctoral training in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry at National Taiwan University. During his initial years of research, he used the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as a model to investigate the effects of resveratrol extract on DNA repair pathways. Later, he shifted his research interests to studying the bioconversion mechanism of saponins in microbes, especially using a very different approach, which combined the single-gene deletion database of yeast and LC/MSMS. Through these works, he established a firm technical framework for understanding the relationship between saponin bioconversion profiles and gene mutations in microbes. His discoveries have advanced our understanding of the interactions between microbial cell wall structure and their bioconversion activities. Currently, he also steps his foot into the field of environmental microbiology and bacteriophage training, together with his collaborators from Texas A&M University, Academia Sinica, and National Taiwan University, which utilize high throughput and big data analysis approaches ( including transcriptomic and metagenomics) to delineate the microbial-mediated processes of pollutants degradation in the natural and engineered systems and to unveil the potential usage of bacteriophage as a biocontrol agent and biorecognition element.

    His interdisciplinary training in food science, molecular microbiology, chemical analysis, and big data analysis has placed him in a unique position to run and join several collaborative research programs with NTU and the Department of Food Safety / Hygiene and Risk Management at NCKU aimed to improve food safety. These include the development of point-of-care devices based on electrospinning techniques for pathogen detection in ready-to-eat food and studying the impact of different biosecurity practices in laying hen farms on the survival and egg production rate of laying hens. His research findings were published in several high-ranking journals, and have had the rewarding experience of teaching microbiology.

主要經歷 (Experience)

2024/08 ~present MPH&食品安全健康研究所&GIP-TRIAD 副教授

2022/11 ~present 臺大國際三校農業生技與健康醫療碩士學位學程 助理教授

GIP-TRIAD Master’s Degree in Agro-Biomedical Science, Jointly Appointed Assistant Professor

2020/08 ~present 臺大公共衛生學院 公共衛生碩士學位學程& 食品安全與健康研究所 助理教授

National Taiwan University

Master of Public Health Degree Program

Institute of Food Safet and Health

Assistant Professor


2017/08 ~2020/07  東海大學食品科學系  助理教授

Tunghai University

Department of Food Science

Assistant Professor

2017/02~2017/07 長庚科技大學健康產業科技研究所 博士級講師

2016/08~2017/07 國立臺灣大學農業化學系 博士後研究員



Ph.D. Degree
Natioanl Taiwan University

國立臺灣大學 食品科技研究所 博士  

Institute of Food Science and Technology


M.S. Degree
Natioanl Taiwan University

國立臺灣大學 食品科技研究所 碩士                                          Institute of Food Science and Technology


B.S. Degree

National Taiwan Ocean University

國立臺灣海洋大學 食品科學系 學士                                           Department of Food Science

重要榮譽與獎項 (Awards and Honors)

2024 國立台灣大學教學優良獎

2023 人類食品預防性控制(Preventive Controls for Human Food)法規標準受訓(PCQI證照)合格

2022 第60屆台灣農業化學會(獲選優勝) Electrospun polyacrylonitrile derived carbon nanofiber and bacteriophage decorated electrochemical impedance spectroscopic biosensor (王若凡&王如邦). 

2018  教育部創新創業計畫(農業)獲得全校第一名「LAMERA綠茶奈米精粹極致亮白牙貼系列」


2018 印尼Diponegoro University動物與農業科學系受邀演講

(演講題目:The study of mogroside bioconversion in yeast)


2016 中華土壤肥料學會 (優良壁報論文獎第二名)


2016 國立臺灣大學博士班學術論文獎


2015 Taiwan Yeast Meeting, Academia Sinica (選為口頭英文報告)


2015 第53屆台灣農業化學會 (優良壁報論文獎及獎金)


2012 食品技師高考及格


2010 醫學實驗室認證訓練課程結業


2010 江南大學海峽兩岸食品科技學術研討會(臺灣大學食科所學生代表演講者)

(演講題目: The effect of resveratrol on genome stability in hydrogen peroxide damaged yeast cells.)


2008 國立臺灣海洋大學生命科學院成績第一名畢業獲得”海洋棟樑”殊榮


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